Fruits & Vegetables

Cabbage Shreded Red 200g
Fruits & Vegetables
$3.99 each
Chilli Green Long (​Lemdell Prepack) 175g
Fruits & Vegetables
was $5.99 $3.99 each
Chilli Red Long (​Lemdell Prepack) 175g
Fruits & Vegetables
was $5.99 $3.99 each
Coolabah Oregano 18g
Fruits & Vegetables
$3.99 each
Coolabah Thyme 18g
Fruits & Vegetables
$3.99 each
Cucumber Tele
Fruits & Vegetables
$3.99 each
English Spinach Bunch
Fruits & Vegetables
$3.99 each
Fresh Orange Juice 300mL
Fruits & Vegetables
$3.99 each
Garlic Peeled 100g
Fruits & Vegetables
$3.99 each
Leek Ea
Fruits & Vegetables
$3.99 each
Mango Kp Small
Fruits & Vegetables
$3.99 each
Pineapple Half
Fruits & Vegetables
$3.99 each
Qe Salad Pineapple Diced 150g
Fruits & Vegetables
$3.99 each
Qe Salad Rockmelon Diced 150g
Fruits & Vegetables
$3.99 each
Shallots Gold (​Lemdell Prepack) 200g
Fruits & Vegetables
$3.99 each
Tomatoes Kumato Punnet 200g
Fruits & Vegetables
$3.99 each
Cauliflower Half Each
Fruits & Vegetables
$4.39 each
Akropol Basil
Fruits & Vegetables
$4.49 each
Fruits & Vegetables
$4.49 each
Cabbage Red Half
Fruits & Vegetables
$4.49 each
Carrot Baby Snacking 250g
Fruits & Vegetables
$4.49 each
Tomato Cherry Punnet
Fruits & Vegetables
$4.49 each
Mushroom Button Punnet 200g
Fruits & Vegetables
$4.69 each
Akropol Bay Leaf
Fruits & Vegetables
$4.99 each
Akropol Lime Leaf
Fruits & Vegetables
$4.99 each
Akropol Parsley
Fruits & Vegetables
$4.99 each
Apple Pink Lady Bag 1kg
Fruits & Vegetables
was $5.99 $4.99 each
Avocado Large Each
Fruits & Vegetables
$4.99 each
Baby Snacking Cucumber Qukes Pre Packed 250g
Fruits & Vegetables
$4.99 each
Carrot Sticks 250g
Fruits & Vegetables
$4.99 each
Chilli Green Thai (​Lemdell Prepack) 100g
Fruits & Vegetables
$4.99 each
Corn Baby Pre Pack 115g
Fruits & Vegetables
$4.99 each
Fresh Orange Juice 500mL
Fruits & Vegetables
$4.99 each
Jalapeno (​Lemdell Prepack) 250g
Fruits & Vegetables
$4.99 each
Lemdell Turmeric Pp 100g
Fruits & Vegetables
$4.99 each
Mushroom Enoki 200g
Fruits & Vegetables
$4.99 each
Potato Sweet Diced 300g
Fruits & Vegetables
$4.99 each
Pumpkin Diced 300g
Fruits & Vegetables
$4.99 each
Silverbeet Bunch
Fruits & Vegetables
$4.99 each
Tomatoes Cherry Truss Punnet 250g
Fruits & Vegetables
$4.99 each
Spiral Foods Nori Seaweed Rice Crackers 50g
Fruits & Vegetables
$5.29 each
Berries - Blueberries Punnet 125g
Fruits & Vegetables
$5.49 each
Mango Kp Large
Fruits & Vegetables
$5.49 each
Pumpkin Jap Chuck 400g
Fruits & Vegetables
$5.49 each
Sugar Snap (​Lemdell Prepack) 150g
Fruits & Vegetables
$5.59 each
Cabbage Chinese Half
Fruits & Vegetables
$5.79 each
Apple Granny Bag 1kg
Fruits & Vegetables
$5.99 each
Beetroot Bunch
Fruits & Vegetables
$5.99 each
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